Podcast Marketing (from CMO)
How to leverage the podcast for relationahip and business building.
Mike Dell Interviews PJ Ewing
In the discussion:
- The origins of The Bee’s Knees Podcast
- The value of a blue ocean audience with no competition
- Punching above your weight
- Providing new resources for your audience
- Building relationships that endure well past the sale and service you provide
Here is a link to the interview with Podcast Insider
Podcast Insider Episode 152
Podcasting in 2020
There is a very real opportunity for many small and medium-sized business to dive into podcasting to advance their business.
Let’s discuss.
The Advantages
Anytime you can “own” a medium you have a “super power.” You pick the content, the advertising, the “call to action” messaging. However, unless you are going to make a podcast into a revenue source, a podcast can be a disappointment. You are unlikely to scale up to thousands of listeners, at least quickly. And it is going to take week in/week out dedication to make anything of it at all.
All that said there are a number of really important advantages to creating a business podcast as follows:
A Unique Platform
A podcast sets you and your business apart from your competitors. While there are lots of podcasts out there, yours will be unique. It will speak to some, hopefully your customers. It will allow you to express all the attributes of your business or service in great detail.
An Extension of Other Marketing
With a podcast you have a an audio home for sales, promotions, new product introductions, research studies, and new product news. Take advantage of that.
Ongoing Ideation
If you have a show each week, you have to think through your brand, week in and week out. That’s a lot of exploration of what makes your business special. And when you do that over and over again you get really good at both the elevator pitch and long-form editiion of selling your product or service. It is sort of like live, public practice for your sales pitch.
Guests, Clients, Customers and Partners
You want to have a format for interviews. And you will want to interview those who are important to your business. It is such a great business building to boost relationships through the podcast – no matter how large or small the audience.
The Challenges
You’ll need some each week. Booking and scheduling is always annoying. And you need time to both record and edit your shows. This podcast time can pull you away from other business and marketing activities; it is easy to put your energy into your new creation to the detriment of more important marketing outreach.
Some Technical Know-how / Gear
If you outsource the work, all the better. That might cost $100 per episode. If you do it yourself it is basically free. You’ll want to host it from your own website to start. After a while you may want to have it hosted by a service like Blubrry Podcast Hosting.
If you do the work yourself you’ll want: Adobe Audition, a USB mic like the ATR, some reasonably good headtphones, a good laptop, and an account with Zoom or Free Conference Call.
Expectations for Podcast Marketing
There are only 900,000 podcasts in the world (and counting) yours is sure to be noticed, right? Well, bluntly, the answer is no. You’ll have to work at it to promote your podcast. And that can be time-consuming and distracting. And you just have to be extremely patient. Even popular podcasts often took years to become the successes that they are today.
No, you’ll not be an overnight success. But you will find success given time and patience.
I only have one podcast for a client right now, but I am sure to find new podcast opportunities for other clients someday.
Right now there is a big trend toward podcastng. That will certainly wane at some point. “All boats are rising” right now and I am super-pleased that I jumped in a few years ago wtih The Bee’s Knees Podcast.
That said there is lots of opportunity right now for new business pods. And it is a ton of fun!!!